Tuesday, June 30, 2015

For Hillary, no cognitive dissonance for 2016

Hillary Clinton has managed to exorcise one ghost which dogged her in 2008: personal identity frame. Who is Hillary? Who is the real Hillary. Is she different from what we see on TV? Who really is she? Well the campaign has just answered one of the most crucial questions for 2016. Answer? She's a fighter. And here, there's absolutely no dissonance between her identity and the theme. There's clear congruence between persona and policy. This is important because voters want to know the real candidate and not the packaged one. It's also good for a candidate because it helps to elevate her trust standing and credibility with voters. Already, citizens know the candidate they get is one who is programmed and prepared for the audience but it does help if what they get is not too different from what reality it. Right now Hillary has just made a sound argument that who is and who she's really always has been is a fighter.

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